Golden, Blue, or Dark Brownish; beginner level; requires a 5-gallon tank or larger. Feed on uneaten food and algae; docile and plant-safe; grow to 2 inches; lifespan
Mystery Snails
Transparent; beginner level; needs a 10-gallon tank or larger. Scavengers that eat excess food; grow up to 1.5 inches; lifespan of 1 to 1.5 years; best kept in groups.
Ghost Shrimp
Females grey, males colorful; beginner level; needs an 8-gallon tank or larger. Ideal for bettas; resilient; docile temperament.
Feeder Guppies
Bronze; beginner level; requires a 10-gallon tank or larger. Bottom feeders; live alone or in schools; grow to 1-2.5 inches; lifespan of 2-3 years; non-aggressive.
Cory Catfish
Orange to Pink body with black triangle and red fins; beginner level; needs a 10-gallon tank or larger. Shoaling fish; grows to 1.5 inches; peaceful; enjoys brine shrimp.
Harlequin Rasbora
Grey or brown with spots; beginner level; needs a 10-gallon tank or larger. Peaceful; grows up to 2.5 inches; lifespan of about 5 years; active and explores.
African Dwarf Frog
Neon silver-blue with red stripe; beginner to advanced level; needs a 10-gallon tank or larger. Schooling fish; grows up to 4 cm; lifespan of about 5 years;
Neon Tetras
Orange-red; beginner to advanced level; needs a 10-gallon tank or larger. School in groups of 4-6; grow to under 1 inch; lifespan around 4 years
Ember Tetras
Light brown to black with orange-white stripes; beginner to advanced level; requires a 15-gallon tank or larger. Algae eater; dwarf species; grows up to 4 inches
Clown Plecos